The topic of kickstarting and enabling puppet came up on et-mgmt-tools. In addition to what I’ve said previously on the subject, a few more tips:
in the main %packages
sectionIf you are using Fedora Core 6, you can specify additional yum repos right
in the kickstart file; with that you can install puppet from the main
section. Simply add
repo --name=extras --mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch
to your kickstart file (don’t forget to put real values in for $basearch
and $releasever
run from the kickstartAnaconda does not set the hostname during installation, even if the DHCP
server sends one. The hostname is needed though if we want to do the
initial puppet run from within the kickstart. One way to find the hostname
is to look at the file /tmp/netinfo
that anaconda produces; with that you
can do the initial puppet run like so:
%post --nochroot
# Copy netinfo, which has our FQDN from DHCP, into the chroot
test -f /tmp/netinfo && cp /tmp/netinfo /mnt/sysimage/tmp/
/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 puppet on
# Figure out the FQDN
if [ -f /tmp/netinfo ] ; then
FQDN=`(source /tmp/netinfo; [ -n "$DOMAIN" ] && echo $HOSTNAME.$DOMAIN || echo $HOSTNAME)`
# Run puppet, just to get the certs; the actual config update happens
# on the next reboot
hostname $FQDN
/usr/sbin/puppetd -o -v --tag no_such_tag --waitforcert 600
The invocation of puppetd
is done solely to get the certs, and assumes
that your puppetmaster
is called puppet
. Passing --tag no_such_tag
makes sure that puppet goes through all its motions without actually
changing anything, assuming you have nothing in your manifest tagged with
Of course, you need to make sure that the puppetmaster
is ready to accept
a certificate signing request when you kickstart the client — make
sure you run puppetca --clean CLIENT
on teh puppetmaster
kickstarting, and that the signing request actually gets signed when the
client runs puppet; turning on autosigning for that client for a brief
period of time should do that.
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