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School examinations generally furnish no basis for evaluating aptitude ... The true test of aptitude for a profession does not come until later in life.Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (1845-1925)
Look at the Bildungsseiten of DINO. They cover all major issues!
You find many online schools at this gopher or in this WWW server. 1995-3
Quite a lot of information about German schools you find at the DINO pages of the IFBG of the U Göttingen. 1995-11
The public schools are subject to state laws, not federal, which is why there are considerable differences between states. The basic scheme of grammar school (years 1-4), secondary schools, level 1 (years 5-10), secondary schools, level 2 (years 11-13) is used throughout the country.
The basic law gives people the right to self-fulfillment and the right to choose their occupation or profession, place of work, study or training according to their individual abilities. That is, every student can choose which school to attend (if she or he is fit to attend.) In Germany school attendance is compulsory for children of ages 7 to 18. At least nine years of this period they must attend a full-time school and then they choose either to continue the full-time schooling (Gymnasium) or attend a vocational school (Berufschule) parttime.
Attendance at public schools is free of charge; textbooks and other supplies are usually provided for loan during the school year. By far the great majority of students choose public school training. There are private schools (notably the Waldorf schools), too. However, their number is very small. 1999-11
In 1995 there were just below 10 million students in Germany -- taught by 670,000 teachers in 43,200 schools. 1997-06
School type | early 1950-ies | late 1980-ies |
Hauptschule | 80 | 32 |
Realschule | 7 | 26 |
Gymnasium | 12 | 32 |
Gesamtschule | N/A | 9
Find an overview at FU Berlin. 1996-04
Teltower Damm 87-93 14167 Berlin tel (030)8072710 fax (030)8073377
Leuchtenberger Kirchweg 2 40489 Düssseldorf tel (0211)407056 fax (0211)4080774
An der Waldlust 15 61440 Oberursel tel (0617I)202-0 fax (06171)202-384
Internationale Schule Hamburg Holmbrook 20 20605 Hamburg tel (040)8830010 fax (040)8811405
Albert-Schweitzer-Straße 1 76139 Karlsruhe-Waldtstadt tel (0721)683001 fax (0721)687233
Elise-Aulinger-Straße 21 81739 München tel (089)6372611 fax (089)6378418
Percha-Schloß Buchhof 82319 Starnherg tel (08151)2606-0 fax (08151)2606-49
The first German school abroad was founded in Osorno, Chile, in 1854; more than 100 years old are also the schools in Lima, Athens, Buenos Aires and Madrid.
The number of German schools abroad is growing over recent years. Currently (1996) there are a total 139 schools with 1172 foreign-service teachers and 83,275 pupils. These schools may be broadly classified into three categories: German-language, bilingual and local-language. They are supported with approx. 1/3 of the federal cultural budget for foreign countries...some 330 million DM.
The syllabusses of German foreign schools are at least partially identical to those in Germany, thus providing a qualification which is recognized in Germany. Children of German parents, who live temporarily abroad, can return to Germany and start a vocational training program or college without further difficulties. The bilingual character and bi-cultural educational objectives is of growing importance, too. The diplomas issued by German schools abroad are recognized in both countries.
| |||
Schools | Teachers | Pupils | |
Africa | 4 | 24 | 520 |
America | 5 | 46 | 1996 |
Asia/Australia | 20 | 92 | 3230 |
Europe | 13 | 116 | 3252
| |||
Schools | Teachers | Pupils | |
Africa | 7 | 135 | 5757 |
America | 16 | 237 | 22615 |
Asia/Australia | - | - | - |
Europe | 27 | 412 | 8195
| |||
Schools | Teachers | Pupils | |
Africa | 1 | 2 | 204 |
America | 20 | 75 | 15193 |
Asia/Australia | 2 | - | 428 |
Europe | 24 | 33 | 11915
(Actually only in the US, so far...)
Summer Sessions, Dept. GH, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2010 USA, tel +1(805)893-7053
Yale Summer Language Institute, P.O.Box 2145, Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520 USA, tel +1(203)432-2430, fax +1(203)432-2434
263 Duaer Hall, University of Florida, Gainesviiie, FL 32611 USA, tel +1(904)392-2101
Dept. of Germanic and Slavic Languages, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA, tel +1(301)405-4091
Concordia Language Villages, Moorhead, MN 56560 USA, tel +1(218)299-4544, fax +1(218)299-3807, www http://www.cord.edu/dept/clv/Waldsee.html 1996-11
University of New Mexico, Ortega Hall, Room 437-B, Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA, tel +1(505)277-5335, fax +1(505)277-9138
Portland State University, P.O.Box 751, Portland, OR 97207 USA, tel +1(503)7254183, fax +1(503)725-4840
Department of Foreign Languages, Millersville University, Millersville, PA 17551 USA, tel +1(717)872-3526, fax +1(717)871-2003
Department of Languages, University of Rhode Island, Building 129, Independence Hall, Kingston, RI 02881 USA, tel +1(401)7925911, fax +1(401)7924694
206 Sunderland Language Center, Middlebury Gollege, Middlebury, VT 05753 USA, tel +1(802)3883711, fax +1(802)388-1253
in 1993: 1,875,200
| |
In their own apartments | 40 |
With their parents, other relatives | 21 |
In appartments with other students | 20 |
In student halls of residence | 13 |
In lodgings | 6 |
| |
Business studies | 127,641 |
Law | 93,341 |
Medicine | 88,000 |
Mechanical Engineering | 85,889 |
Electrical engineering | 79,678 |
Economics | 67,748 |
German | 66,543 |
Computer science | 45,900 |
Civil engineering | 43,176 |
Biology | 41,380
| |
Universities / Technical Universities | 80 |
Theological Colleges | 17 |
Polytechnic Universities | 8 |
Teachers Colleges | 8 |
Art Colleges/Music Colleges | 45 |
Polytechnic Colleges | 127 |
Civil Service Training Colleges | 30
| |
Berlin | 150,000 |
Munich | 105,000 |
Cologne | 82,000
The most accessible listing of the many German universities is probably found in The World of Learning, which should be in the reference section of the libraries of most universities in the English speaking world. It lists Universities, faculties, departments, affiliated organizations, as well as academic staff with respective general areas of specialization (e.g. structural mechanics). 1994-3
There are no rankings for German universities in the American sense of the word, with widely accepted institutionalized reference listings. Some news magazines have picked up the habit of running annual surveys (you figure out their models;-) The two most typically employed methods are inqueries on faculty level about the best other-than-your-own unversity (in their field of expertise) and on students level about the quality of their school as they perceive it. 1996-03
Foreign students from a large number of countries who want to study after high school at a German university or Fachhochschule need to attend the Studienkolleg for two semesters and pass an examination. Tuition at a Studienkolleg is free. Information about Studienkollegs in Germany: Günther Miklitz, Studienkolleg für ausländische Studierende, an der Universität Bonn, email usa000@ibm.rhrz.uni-bonn.de 1994-11
Although the German educational system is quite different from the US system (no degree until a masters equivalent etc.,) it's still possible to obtain a German degree with non-German background. The place to contact is the Auslandsamt (foreign office) of the involved universities.
Usually it is easier to just go with an organized program. Especially since these programs usually guarantee some sort of credit transfer which is (depending on your home university) hard to impossible to get otherwise. Some programs also include special classes (sometimes in English, sometimes German classes for foreigners...) which will otherwise not be offered -- German students are supposed to find their own way through the university jungle...
The big advantage of going alone is the financial aspect. Education in Germany is basically free i.e. university students pay a nominal tuition of typically approximately US$30 a semester for their education (plus books, living expenses and the usual public transportation -- all of which amounts to an (estimated) US$600-900 a month, less in the eastern part of Germany.) Students in Germany typically live in (shared) apartments, dorm rooms are only available for about 3-8% of the students (these numbers being higher in the east). Getting a dorm room is often included in organized programs, I suppose it will be hard to find one, if you're on your own, but your can always try. (Getting a dorm room will probably save about US$100/month.) 1995-3
For students of subjects related to economy the AIESEC organization may be a valuable pointer! In Germany you can try, e.g.,
Deutsches Komitee der AIESEC e.V. Subbelrather Str. 247 50825 Köln tel +49(221)551056and most universities should be able to help locate local branches.
For more information on the Ontario/Baden-Württemberg Exchange program send an email to ontbw@post.queensu.ca to
Ontario/Baden-Württemberg University Student Exchange Kingston Hall, Room 400 A, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada; tel: +1-613-545-6924 fax: +1-613-545-69301996-02
A good general collection on the topics (also interesting for German students who want to study abroad) can be found at the gopher of U Kaiserslautern 1996-04
There are several other files available:
Also you should check the Zentralvergabestelle für Studienplätze (ZVS)
ZVS, Sonnenstrasse 171, 44137 Dortmund, Germany1996-02
The Volkshochschulen are evening schools open to everybody. For a modest fee of some amount (from around DM 20 to maybe DM 200; depends much on the type of course you choose) they offer courses to further your professional background, to prepare for taking the Abitur examination, or for plain pleasure and hobby interests. Most Volkshochschulen also offer "Deutsch für Ausländer" (German for foreigners). 1999-11
Similar to the NSF in the USA.
The addresses of the branch offices of the DAAD can be found at this website.
The DAAD is
Very important for foreign students who want to study in Germany and also for German students who want to study in another country. They also have an office in New York 1999-04
Mirbachstr. 7, 53173 Bonn 1, tel +49(228)354091
An important source of scholarships for German students abroad and in Germany, essentially a national honors society. Membership is by invitation only. 1999-04 An older, inofficial website with inofficial materials. 1997-01
Theaterplatz 1a, PF 200555, 53177 Bonn (Bad Godesberg), Germany tel +49(228)363130 1995-4
Postfach 22 40, 53012 Bonn
This is the place where they decide about transferability of
foreign academic degrees. Maybe they answer questions.
One Farragut Square South, Washington, DC. 20006, tel +1(202)347-0247
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