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Sources of news from/about Germany. One particularly well-done collection of pointers to German news sources is Carl Butler's listing, containing (I bet) all of the pointers mentioned here and more. 1996-04
The alpha complete news index has a very extensive selection of German print and broadcast news media.
All the major German newspapers and magazines and many of the local ones are available on the web. Some put their whole edition online, some only excerpts and the really stingy ones will only give you contact information.
A news site to end all newspaper websites is provided by paperball. The site compiles news from various newspapers and magazines and offers them in one overview. Very slick.
Here are some links to local papers: Berliner Morgenpost | Berliner Zeitung | Durlacher Blatt | Express | Frankenpost | Haidhauser Nachrichten | Hamburger Abendblatt | Hamburger Morgenpost | Hannoversche Allgemeine | Heilbronner Stimme | Hellweger Anzeiger | HollsteinischerCourier | Kevelaerer Blatt | Kieler Nachrichten | Kölner Stadtanzeiger | Kölnische Rundschau | Landeszeitung Lüneburg | Lausitzer Rundschau | Lippische Landes-Zeitung | Main Echo | Mainpost | Mannheimer Morgen | Marktspiegel | Mindener Tageblatt | Mittelbadische Presse | Maerker | Münstersche Zeitung | Neue Presse | Nordbayrischer Kurier | Nordwest Zeitung | Nürnberger Nachrichten | Nürnberger Zeitung | Nürtinger Zeitung | Passauer Neue Presse | Pirmasenser Zeitung | Rems Zeitung | Remscheider General-Anzeiger | Rhein-Zeitung | Rheingau Echo | Rheinische Post | Rheinischer Merkur | Rostocker Nachrichten | Ruhr Nachrichten | Das Zeitfenster | Der Tagesspiegel | Neue Westfaelische Zeitung | Saarbrücker Zeitung | Schaumburger Nachrichten | Schwarzwaelder Bote | Schweriner Volkszeitung | Schwaebische Zeitung | Siegener Zeitung | Singener Wochenblatt | Stuttgarter Zeitung | Saechsische Zeitung | Südkurier | Trierischer Volksfreund | Weser Kurier | Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung | Westfaelische Nachrichten | Wochenspiegel
Since December 1993, GermNews broadcasts a daily summary of events as reported by major German news sources. The paragraphs are manual transcripts from radio etc. by a number of volunteers around Rainer Mallon.
The German compiled text is made available daily in several ways:
To unsubscribe, send mail to the
above address with the line UNSUB GERMNEWS
1999-2 OKGlossary
A glossary 1996-02 containing English explanations of words and phrases often used in German news can be obtained by sending an email:
To: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.GMD.DE with body GET DE-NEWS GLOSSARY(Don't use any signature lines!) 1996-05
Keyword Search
All messages to germnews are archived in units called notebooks or logs each month. You can search these notebooks for references using the powerful database searching function of listserv to get the information you want.
There are two steps to searching the archives. First put your search together and send it to listserv@listserv.gmd.de which will return as mail an index or list of the messages that meet your search criteria, each with a unique item number. Using this item number, you then send another request for the specific messages you want, which will be returned as a longer database output file.
To find out more about this process send the following email:
To: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.GMD.DE // Database search DD=Rules //Rules DD * Search * in GERMNEWS Print 112 /*ok: 6/94
The de-news mailing list is the English edition of GermNews -- the English translation of yesterday's issue of GermNews. To subscribe to de-news 1996-05
send email To: LISTSERV@listserv.gmd.de with body SUBSCRIBE DE-NEWS first name last name1996-5
The Deutsche Welle also has a news service, available in various flavors:
To: majordomo@dwelle.de Subject: subscribe nachrichten1997-12
To: majordomo@dwelle.de Subject: subscribe market1998-04
Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA)
The Kurznachrichtendienst features articles from Germany's premier news agency. The articles, transmitted and displayed in German, are categorized into Headline News Summaries (Schlagzeilen), Politics (Politik), Business (Wirtschaft), Sports (Sport), Culture (Kultur) and Miscellaneous (Vermischtes). The news service delivers more than 60 news stories a day, 24 hours a day. 1994-05
Compuserve offers DPA News Headline Services as part of its basic services; Compuserve members access the service with the command go DPANEWS. A warning from CompuServe: The information contained in the Deutsche Presse-Agentur news report may not be published, broadcast or otherwise redistributed without the prior written authority of the Deutsche Presse-Agentur. 1995-3
Austrian Press Agency (APA)
The Austrian Press Agency, APA, is also on-line.
153 S. Dean Street
NJ 07631
tel +1 201-871-1010
fax +1 201-871-0870
You can subscribe to many German publications, daily and weekly papers, as well as monthly magazines (altogether more than 150.) Ask for their catalog. They offer sample copies for most of the titles (for a price).
The German Information Center (GIC)
950 Third Ave.
New York, NY 10022
tel +1(212)888-9840
Deutschland Nachrichten or its English version The Week in Germany is a free 8 page flyer. It features selected articles from various German newspapers, soccer results, and the US$/DM exchange rate. The German Information Center also distributes lots of other information (books, maps, ...) for free. They are a particularly helpful resource for those who may have to prepare a school presentation about Germany.
Check out the official web site of TWIG. 1996-03
The GIC archive can now be reached on the net, too. Compuserve users may try GO EURFOR, GO FLEFO, GO GERLINE or GO INFOGERMANY. 1995-03
(see GLP International above)
Published weekly, subscription price for the USA is US$280 p.a. Partly available on WWW.
Die Zeit
29 Coldwater Road
Toronto, ON
M3B 1Y8
Die Zeit
PO Box 9868
Englewood, NJ
Costs: US$54 for 1 year (52 issues)
'Die Zeit' is available either via air mail or as international edition via surface mail from Canada. The international edition is much cheaper but contains less pages.
does not exist any more ...
Die Nordamerikanische Wochenpost
1120 E. Long Lake Road
Troy, MI 48098
3 month trial subscription: US$15, one year US$42.95.
This is a general interest newspaper. The front page generally features news from/about Germany. There are special pages for regional, domestic American news of interest to German speakers (e.g. Florida, New York, Chicago/Milwaukee, and Detroit). Additionally, there's a special page for news from/about Austria. All the major sections that you would expect in any newspaper are represented: politics, sports, the economy, fashion, cartoons, features, editorials, etc. There are also several short-stories and a serialized novel. There's a list of German-language radio broadcasts for North America (US and Ontario, Canada). It also contains a list of German-American associations.
CH-8021 Zürich
fax +41-1-248-5055
Prices (Sfr) for all countries, first four issues free.
air mail surface mail 3 months 41.74 33.75 6 months 78.50 66.50 1 year 135.00 111.00Tages-Anzeiger is one of the major Swiss daily newspapers (besides Neue Züricher Zeitung). Their international edition is published weekly.
Zeitgeist Publishing
1 Corporate Drive
Grantsville, MD 21536
tel +1(301)895-3859, +1(800)314-6843
fax +1(301)895-5029
Their introductory subscription is 6 issues for US$17.95 It seems commercial but with beautiful slick paper and some interesting articles. An old map of North America all in German (Virginien, Pennsylvanien, Kanada, Chikago, ObererSee, etc...) articles about Berlin after WW II (e.g. die Trümmerfrauen,) Berlin in the 20's, etc. 1996-03
1113 National Press Building
Washington, DC 20045-1853
tel +1(202)628-0404
fax +1(703)938-2251
German language weekly with European news, features, sports, ads of German clubs etc., targeted at the audience of Germans in the US.
Yearly subscription cost US$32 to US$34 in US; US$40 in Canada email 74127.25@compuserve.com for more information. 1995-9
PO Box 26308
1201 N. Alvarado Street
Los Angeles, CA 90026
tel +1(213)413-5500
A one year subscription to this weekly paper is US$25. It has all the local German events as well as all the Bundesliga action. 1995-3
Süddeutscher Verlag GmbH
Sendlinger Straße 8
D-80331 München
tel +49(89)21830
Neue Presse - Vertrieb
9001 Oso Avenue, Suite F
Chatsworth, CA 91311, USA
tel +1(818)700-0666
Alternative newspaper from Cologne; covering topics from the region and beyond. WWW
Stern, Hamburg 100125.1305@compuserve.com
Focus 100335.3131@compuserve.com
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